

Documents that are associated with the request, but will not be actually signed. They can be read before signing, but they will not get packaged.






Forms are templates that can be used to ask the recipient to fulfill information themselves, and submit it for automated signature request.

Form order

A single request for a form to be fulfilled by the recipient.


Javascript Web Token. Authentication model where user retrieves a token containing claims from authorization server.

Message template


This term covers information about the signature request that is not pertinent to the handling of the request.

Rate limit

Refresh token

When token is nearing the end of it's validity period, a new token can be retrieved by sending the token as a POST payload to /identity/token/refresh endpoint. If it's a valid token, a new token will be returned with extended expiration time.



Receiver of the signature request, and the person who is asked to sign the document. Signatory can also be set as non-mandatory, which means that their rejection does not automatically reject the entire request.

Signature request

A container for a signing event that can include multiple documents, signatories and associated metadata.

Signature request template

Signing authority

The authority that performs the actual signing. In


You can create and set custom tags to any signature requests you wish. These can be used to distinguish requests between each other.


Webhook is a common term for an integration technique that roughly translates to an http request on an event. A developer can subscribe to a webhook, indicating that they wish to receive notifications when certain events occur.